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zmhk 2024-07-02
nba小飞侠是谁的外号_nba小飞侠是谁的外号啊       非常欢迎大家参与这个nba小飞侠是谁的外号问题集合的探讨。我将以开放的心态回答每个问题,并尽量给出多样化的观点和角度,以期能够启发大家的思考。1.科比为










       因为科比刚出道时滞空能力强,貌似会飞!而且他是全能战神,被成为伟大的“飞人”乔丹之后, 所以,他就成为“小飞侠”。 而且,“小飞侠”听起来好帅,好有偶像的感觉! 与科比那帅气的外表很搭!














        叫什么不重要 都是对他们的能力的肯定而已 因为飞人被占用了 科比就只能用这个了







        科比叫黑曼巴的由来:科比曾被问:如果非要找一种动物来比喻你,你会选择什么动物?当时科比毫不犹豫地答道:“Black Mamba!”黑曼巴蛇是非洲毒蛇中体型最长、速度最快、攻击性最强的杀手。黑曼巴蛇的杀手天性,勇猛好斗,以及技术,这一切都与在篮球场上的科比惊人地相似,而科比再05-06赛季对阵猛龙的比赛里,令人震惊的得到81分之后,他得到了这样一个令人敬畏的绰号:黑曼巴。






        全名:MichaelJeffreyJordan(迈克尔·杰弗里·乔丹) 乔丹在比赛中

        )绰号:飞人 、篮球之神、篮球上帝、帮主(国内球迷爱称)乔老大/老爷、 乔老板 属相:兔 星座:水瓶座 血型:O型 高中:北卡罗莱纳州威尔明顿兰尼高中 大学:北卡罗莱纳大学教堂山分校 官方身高:1.98米/6英尺6英寸 体重:98公斤/216磅(体测时185磅,216磅是后来长胖的体重) 专案:篮球 场上位置:得分后卫、小前锋

        乔丹罕见号码图集(7张)号码:23、45(95年复出曾短暂穿过)、9(84、92奥运会)、5(83年泛美运动会)、12(球衣被偷了,临时找的球衣,但没有背名,当晚砍下49分。)极罕见号码:15(81年的Capital Classic穿的号码,当时乔丹代表的是U.S state all-stars Capital Classic high school basketball game 高中全明星赛)、53(84年奥运代表队公开训练赛)、7(82年代表NCAA全明星欧洲友谊赛) 效力球队:芝加哥公牛(-1993、1995-1998)、华盛顿奇才(2001-03) 选秀:年第1轮第3顺位 评价:被认为是美国职业篮球史上最伟大的球员,被称为穿着23号球衣的上帝。



        职业生涯赏(20张)体重:98公斤/216磅(91年资料,后来一直保持这个水平) 脂肪含量:3.0%(NBA球员历史最低,普通人通常15%~20%) 百米速度:10.7秒,大一时曾是校田径队运动员,后因篮球教练担心乔丹受伤,乔丹才退出校田径队,当时主要练习短跑和跳远。 垂直弹跳:0.98米/38.5英寸 绝对弹跳:1.09米/43英寸 最大摸高:3.78米/12尺5寸 跳高:2.21米 跳远:7.87米 跟腱长度:28.5厘米 手掌长度:左手23.7厘米、右手24.6厘米



        名人堂高清图(20张)NBA历史上乔丹都是最棒的。 在多数的人眼中, 迈克尔·乔丹是有史以来最伟大的篮球运动员,他的波澜壮阔而赋有传奇色彩的篮球生涯,以及他对于这项运动的巨大影响力不可避免的让人们把他推上了神坛。优雅、速度、力量、富有艺术性、即兴创造力和无比强烈的求胜欲望的完美结合……乔丹重新诠释了“超级巨星”的含义

        。 甚至同时期的超级巨星们都承认乔丹至高无上的地位,魔术师埃尔文·约翰逊(Magic Johnson)说:“乔丹在顶层, 然后才是我们。” 在乔丹第二个赛季的季后赛对阵凯尔特人的一场比赛中,他更是狂取63分。赛后拉里·伯德(Larry Bird)这样评价他:“ 今天是上帝扮成了乔丹在比赛。” 粗略看看乔丹都做到了些什么:"最佳新秀、5次常规赛MVP,6枚总决赛戒指,6次总决赛MVP,10次第一阵容,14次入选全明星赛,3次全明星赛MVP,入选NBA50年50大,10次得分王(NBA记录,另外7次连续得分王也和张伯伦排列第一位), 退役时平均分是最高得30.1分…" 但他所造成的影响远远不只这些荣誉和冠军。当他初入联盟时,他是一个具有凌厉第一步,华丽突破和杂耍般灌篮的天生得分手。而当他离开时,他已经变成了一个文化的象征。在他的篮球生涯中,他用场上眼花缭乱的表演和场下翩翩的个人风度征服了大众,更加速了NBA全球化的推进过程,他是当之无愧的王者。 他是一个平易近人却又保持着神秘感的男人。"飞人乔丹"是他的标志,他的签名篮球鞋的广告铺天盖地, 当然他也代言其他产品,也做过**空中大灌篮(太空也入樽)的主演,并与迈克尔杰克逊合作MV Jam 他两度退役又两度复出直到02-03赛季结束才再次挂靴。 乔丹名言:“我可以接受失败,但无法接受放弃。”

科比布莱恩特能超越乔丹吗?拜托各位了 3Q






        小李广 花荣有着一身惊人的好武艺,射得一手好箭,能够百步穿杨,人们爱其武艺,把他比做汉朝的名将李广,因此,江湖上人送美誉“小李广”。

快来评价我的偶像科比·布莱恩特(Kobe Bryant) ——NBA小飞侠·#!##

        从我接触篮球开始,我就开始喜欢他,我的偶像,他打球非常的聪明,以前有点读,但我认为是他的队友不给力,现在科比的队友给力了,所以他的其他资料也上去了,科比我爱你 加油












       小飞侠” -科比·布莱恩特

       篮球皇帝-张伯伦 飞人-乔丹

       朱利叶斯.欧文-J博士 土豆-斯珀特.韦伯

       天钩-贾巴尔 蝙蝠侠-皮蓬

       重型坦克-巴克利 大鲨鱼-奥尼尔

       大星星-帕特里克.尤因 大梦-奥拉朱旺

       大鸟-拉里.伯德 大狗-罗宾逊

       大虫-罗德曼 大白熊-郎利

       大笨钟-本.华莱士 魔术师-约翰逊

       冰人-乔治.格文 大佐-阿隆佐.莫宁

       石佛-邓肯 阿根廷飞人-吉诺比利

       狼王-加内特 外星人-卡塞尔

       邮差-马龙 AK47-基里连科

       将军-斯托克顿 滑翔机-德雷克斯勒

       竹竿-布拉德利 白巧克力-威廉姆斯

       怒吼天尊-拉希德.华莱士 冷面杀手-汉密尔顿

       小巨人-姚明 小霸王-斯塔德迈尔 非洲大山-穆托姆博 老猫-莫布里

       闪电侠-伟德 好孩子-格兰特.希尔

       国王-克里斯.韦伯 小鱼-费舍尔

       铁人-芬利 骇客帝国-马里昂

       雨人-肖恩.坎普 小鱼-费舍尔

       手套-佩顿 蜂王-马什本

       特权-弗朗西斯 助推器-纳什

       超人-诺维茨基 坏小子-艾弗森



       Name: Kobe Bryant



       生日: 1978-8-24

       身高: 2.01 米/6英尺7英寸

       位置: 得分后卫


       球队: 湖人

       号码: 8


       学历:LOWER MERION高中毕业/UCLA国际贸易辍学

       语言:英语,意大利语;科比****:Staples Center 1111 S. Figueroa Street Los Angeles, CA 90015;电话:+1-(310) 419-3182

       ·1996年被《USA Today》评选为年度最佳高中生球员

       ·1996年被《Today and Parade》评选为年度最佳高中生球员


       ·1996年:Gatorade Circle Of Champions年度最佳球员



       ·1996年:Prestigious Beach Ball Classic MVP

















       ·2003年1月7日 VS 超音速:科比全场攻下12个三分球打破了1996年活塞丹尼斯·斯科特单场11个三分球的记录,同时连续九次三分球出手命中的记录也打破了爵士后卫霍纳塞克连续8次的记录



       ·2003年2月6日-2月23日:科比连续九场得分达到或者超过40分,平了乔丹的纪录 ,最高纪录是张伯伦的14场。


       ·2003年3月5日 VS 步行者:科比NBA职业生涯总得分超过10000分,成为NBA历史上达到这一高度的最年轻球员,这一天,他24岁又193天。

       ·2003年3月28日 VS 奇才:科比在上半场就投进8个3分球,打平了半场三分球命中纪录。以前纪录保持者都是雄鹿队球员:蒂姆.托马斯、里德、雷.阿伦。

       ·2003年3月28日 VS 奇才:科比在上半场即拿下42分,打破了球队历史纪录。贝勒在1960年11月15日对尼克斯半场拿下37分。半场得分纪录保持者是张伯伦,他在1962年那场得100分的比赛的下半场得到59分。


       科比小时候最喜欢看的VCD是《NBA SHOWMEN》,这是一部关于NBA历史上最伟大的几位球星的专辑。




       科比最喜欢的食物不是牛排,而是苹果馅饼、通心面、奶酪、甜薯条、Vanilla Malts(香子兰麦芽)。







       最喜欢的**是《星球大战》。《星球大战前传II:克隆人的进侵》热映时,正值2002年西部决赛 开战,科比抵挡不住诱惑,在赛前的晚上一个人静悄悄溜进附近的**院观看。并与一位在黑暗中 认不出他的国王女球迷聊了一个晚上,这位女球迷跟科比说她找到了击败湖人的秘诀。




       科比高中时以总分2883的成绩,成为宾州东南区的高中篮球最高得分纪录,打破张伯伦的2359分和Carlin Warley的2,441分纪录。


       由于科比在adidas ABCD篮球营的编号是143,所以加入湖人队后选择了8号(1+4+3=8)。



       Early life

       Kobe Bryant is the youngest child and only son of Joe and Pam Bryant. His parents named him after a kind of steak: the famous beef of Kobe, Japan, which they saw on a restaurant menu. At the age of six, Kobe, his parents and two older sisters, Shaya and Sharia, moved to Italy, where his father began playing professional basketball. He became accustomed to the lifestyle and became fluent in Italian. At an early age, he learned to play and his favorite team was AC Milan. Bryant once said that if he had stayed in Italy, he would have stuck with and would have tried to become a pro player. In 1991, the Bryants moved back to the United States. A spectacular high school career at Lower Merion High School in the Philadelphia suburb of Lower Merion, brought national recognition. While his SAT score of 1080[2] would have ensured his basketball scholarship to various top-tier colleges, the 17-year-old Bryant made the controversial decision to go directly to the NBA. -

       Early NBA career

       1996 Draft

       Even before he was chosen as the 13th draft pick overall by the Charlotte Hornets in 1996, the 17-year-old Bryant had made a lasting impression on then-Lakers general manager Jerry West, who immediately foresaw the potential in Bryant's basketball talent during pre-draft workouts. West stated that Bryant's workout was one of the best he had ever witnessed. West continued his quest to return the Lakers to championship status and startled spectators by offering and completing the trade for starting center Vlade Divac to the Hornets for Bryant. -

       Growing pains

       During his first season with the Lakers, he mostly came off the bench behind guards Eddie Jones and Nick Van Exel. Bryant played limited minutes initially but this changed as the season continued. He earned himself a reputation as a high-flyer and a fan-favorite by winning the 1997 Slam Dunk Contest.

       In Bryant's second season (1997-98), he received more playing time and began showing more of his abilities as a talented young guard. He was the runner-up for the NBA's Sixth Man of the Year Award, and through fan voting, he also became the youngest NBA All-Star starter.

       While his statistics were impressive for his age, he was still a young guard who lacked the experience to complement Shaquille O'Neal and significantly help the team contend for a championship.

       Championship years

       However, Bryant's fortunes would soon change when Phil Jackson became coach for the Los Angeles Lakers. After years of steady improvement, Bryant had become one of the premier shooting guards in the league, a fact that was evidenced by his annual presence in the league's All-NBA, All-Star, and All-Defensive teams. The Los Angeles Lakers became perennial championship contenders under Bryant and O'Neal, who formed an outstanding center-guard combination. Their success gave the Lakers three consecutive NBA championships in 2000, 2001, and 2002.

       End of a dynasty

       In the 2002-03 NBA season, Bryant averaged 30 points per game and embarked on a historic scoring run, posting 40 or more points per game in nine consecutive games while averaging 40.6 in the entire month of February. In addition, he averaged 6.9 rebounds, 5.9 assists, and 2.2 steals per game, all career highs up to that point. For the first time in his career Bryant was voted on to both--All-NBA and All-Defensive 1st teams. After finishing 50-32 in the regular season, the Lakers floundered in the playoffs and lost in the Western Conference Semifinals to the eventual NBA champion San Antonio Spurs in six games.

       In the following 2003-04 NBA season, the Lakers were able to acquire legends Karl Malone and Gary Payton to make another push at the NBA Championship. With a starting lineup of four potential Hall of Fame players in Shaquille O'Neal, Malone, Payton, and Bryant, the Lakers were able to reach the NBA Finals. In the Finals, they were eliminated by the Detroit Pistons in 5 games. In that series, Bryant averaged 22.6 points per game, shooting 35.1% from the field, and 4.4 assists per game.

       Conflicts and turmoil

       Bryant, following his arrest in 2003In 2003, Bryant's reputation was tainted by criminal charges, in which Katelyn Faber, a young woman from Colorado, accused Bryant of sexual assault. With his image badly tarnished, the public's perception of Bryant plummeted, and his endorsement contracts with McDonald's, Nutella, and Ferrero SpA were terminated. Sales figures from NBA merchandisers indicated that sales of replicas of Bryant's jersey fell far off of their previous highs.

       Even before being arrested for rape, Bryant was known to publicly feud with his teammates, including Shaquille O'Neal, Samaki Walker and Karl Malone. In an isolated incident, he allegedly punched teammate Walker in the face outside of the team bus.[citation needed] In 2004, a dispute between Bryant and former teammate Malone became public prior to Malone's expected re-signing with the Lakers. Bryant claimed Malone had made inappropriate comments to Bryant's wife. Malone claimed the comments were in jest and that Bryant was overreacting [1]. In the subsequent months, rather than re-join Bryant and the Lakers, Malone turned his attention to the possibility of joining another team, but ultimately decided to retire.

       Unquestioned leader

       When O'Neal was traded, Bryant became the Lakers' unquestioned leader of the team going into the 2004-2005 season. As it turned out, however, his first season without O'Neal would prove to be a very rocky one. With his reputation badly damaged from all that had happened over the previous year, Bryant was closely scrutinized and criticized during the season.

       A particularly damaging salvo came from Phil Jackson in The Last Season: A Team in Search of Its Soul. The book detailed the events of the Lakers'

       回答者:飞扬的羊 - 见习魔法师 二级 3-3 17:28

       Kopeck detailed material Name: Kobe Bryant Name: Kopeck 布莱恩 especially Nickname: KO, slightly flies the variant, KB Birthday: 1978-8-24 Height: 2.01 meter /6 foot 7 inches Position: Point guard Body weight: 220 pounds /99.8 kilograms Team: Lake people Number: 8 Place of birth: The Philadelphia/Pennsylvania/US, once lived:Italian Milan School record: LOWER the MERION high school graduates the/UCLA international trade to discontinue studies Language: English, Italian; Kopeck contact method: StaplesCenter 1,111 S. Figueroa Street Los Angeles, CA 90,015; Telephone: +1-(310) 419-3182 1996 the year evaluates by "USA Today" for the year best高中生 player 1996 the year evaluates by "Today and Parade" for the yearbest 高中生 player 1996 year: 奈 - Smith year best player 1996 year: Gatorade Circle Of Champions year best player 1996 year: MaC$donald entire America first row 1996 year: Ardee reaches Si ABCD training battalion MVP 1996 year: Prestigious Beach Ball Classic MVP 1997 the year NBA entire star match buckles the basket biggame champion 1997 year NBA year best beautiful second row West 1998 the year is selected for the first time by the mainforce status the entire star match, becomes in the NBA history theyoungest entire star match main force player 1999 year NBA year best battle formation third row 2000 year NBA year best battle formation second row 2000 year NBA year best defense battle formation first row 2000 year -2005 yearly average by main force status beingselected west entire star match 2000 the year lake person total champion main force member,becomes in the lake person history the third season average score 30players. 2000 year NBA best accepts the interview battle formation second row 2001 year NBA year best battle formation second row 2001 year NBA year best defense battle formation second row 2001 year lake person total champion main force member 2002 year NBA year best battle formation first row 2002 year NBA year best defense battle formation second row 2002 year by main force status being selected west entire starmatch, and obtains MVP 2002 year lake person total champion main force member 2003 year on January 7 VS supersonic speed: The kopeck entireaudience captured 12 three minute balls to break in 1996 piston Dennisthe Scott single field 11 three minute balls records, simultaneouslycontinuously nine three minute balls got rid of the hit recording alsoto break knight the fullback 霍纳 塞克 continuously 8 records 2003 the year, has 19 competitions in 02-03 season to scorepoints surpasses 40, has broken the team single season 14 historicrecords. 2003 the year, continuously 13 scores points in 02-03 season above 35minute, the history second is high, the record is Chamberlain's 14. 2003 year on February 6 - on February 23: The kopeck continuously ninescores points achieved or surpasses for 40 minute, has put downJordan's record, the highest record is Chamberlain's 14. 2003 year in February: Becomes in the NBA history a third month theaverage score 40 players. 2003 year on March 5 VS pedestrian: The kopeck NBA professionalprofession always scores points surpasses for 10,000 minute, becomesthe NBA history to reach higher authorities to this high youngestplayer, this day, his 24 years old 193 days. 2003 year on March 28 VS rare talent: The kopeck throws 8 3 minuteballs at the first half, 打平 half-court three minute balls hitrecord. Before records the maintenance all is male Lu Dui players:蒂姆 Thomas, reed, thunder Arran. 2003 year on March 28 VS rare talent: The kopeck namely takes the next42 minute at the first half, has broken the team historical record.Baylor to 尼克斯 half-court took the next 37 minute in November 15,1960. Half-court scores points the record maintenance is Chamberlain,he that 100 minute competitions second half obtained 59 minute in1962. In 1996 chose Xiu first turn of 13th to select by the CharlotteHornets, afterwards is exchanged in 1996 July 11 the lake people, thehornet obtains the lake person center to enlighten 瓦茨. The kopeck in childhood most liked VCD which looked is "NBA SHOWMEN",this was about the NBA history in the greatest several ball gamestars' special edition. The kopeck first buckle basket success is in 14 years old. R& The B star 布兰迪 was the kopeck youth time attended thedance party dance partner, the kopeck afterwards MTV is a guestperformer the performance in her called "Moesha". The kopeck pet is a dog which calls Gucci. The kopeck most likes food is not a beefsteak, but is the apple meatpie, the macaroni, the cheese, the sweet potato strip, Vanilla Malts(vanilla malt). When kopeck youth most likes the basketball star is the magic teacher,Jordan, the penny hada prestige. The kopeck in childhood most liked the cartoon was Roadrunner, mostliked the magazine was a given name called "SLAM" the basketballmagazine. The kopeck teammate once gave him to get up a nickname to callShowboat (performance ship), indicated he movement which was dazzledin the field. The kopeck actual height is 2.013 meters. The kopeck Achilles tendon long amounts to 30 centimeters, MichaelJordan is 28.3 centimeters. When his 14 years old vertical bouncestakeoffs amounts to 135 centimeters. Most likes the actor is 威尔 Smith; Most likes the female moviestar is the treasure 妮 not The sea 威特, in the family pasted inthe past many she the playbill Most likes the movie is "Star War". "In front of the star warpasses on II: Clones when the person enters invades "hotly reflects,just when west 2002 plays in the finals makes war, the kopeck resistsentices, very quiet slides neighbor in front of a match evening personthe movie theater to watch. And could not recognize his king with indarkness the female fan to chat for an evening, this female fan withthe kopeck said she found has defeated the lake person's secret. The kopeck the best friend is the wheat enlightens in the alliance;Relates the best teammate in the team is wears the article George;Before 哈珀 when lake people, the kopeck and his relational mostiron, called he is "the old father". The kopeck also likes in the idle time studying, the swimming, playsthe computer game, does not like other young people, he is short verymuch with the others gets together opens PARTY. "Kopeck" the name originates from Italy the flavor beefsteak, sellingprice 420 lira (this in locality is together the fixed price notPhilippines). When kopeck high school by the total score 2,883 result, becomessoutheast Pennsylvania the area high school basketball high to scorepoints the record, breaks Chamberlain's for 2,359 minute with theCarlin Warley 2,,441 minute records. The kopeck is in the history 27th the player which directly joins NBAfrom the high school, compares successfully in front of his this hasMoses Malone, shone In 坎普, adds especially. Because the kopeck in adidas the ABCD basketball camp serial number is143, after therefore joined the lake person team to choose 8(1+4+3=8). In the beautiful big game took in 1997 high scores points 31 todivide, 8 backboards and 3 secondary attack, east but he was at thewest army lost to the army, thereupon MVP fell with the announcementnew person 艾弗森 hand in, so that the entire audience breathed outthe field writings. The kopeck leads the team in the high school finally three years toobtain 77 wins 13 defeats the good result.





       刚出道开始,科比·布莱恩特就被人们称为“飞人”乔丹的继承人。但是人们突然发现,这位天皇巨星到现在还没有一个能叫得响的绰号。在今天“飞人”乔丹、“恶汉”巴克利、“大鲨鱼”奥尼尔、 “答案”艾弗森的大名已经如雷贯耳的时候,干巴巴的称呼科比· 布莱恩特实在有些说不过去,于是全美的球迷开始为心中的偶像起一个响当当,明亮亮的绰号,而布莱恩特的威名,从球迷们起的这些绰号中就可见一斑,现在就从 6200多位球迷起的绰号中选出几个,以飨读者:“8 号”:这本来不是什么绰号,而是科比的球衣号码。但是在场上你有了这样一个“8 号”球员,还需要有什么别的东西吗?


       “K .B .”:听上去像一个玩具店的名字。但是这个孩子在场上常常能让你目瞪口呆。

       “KB8 ”:人们通常这样称呼一个在球场上穿8 号球衣的家伙。

       “挑战”:他不仅挑战球场上的对手,也公然表示了对“飞人” 乔丹的不服气。


       “君王”:理由如下:1 .他就要成为统治NBA 的一代枭雄; 2 .奥尼尔的外号太过霸道,科比当然需要有一个更精致的绰号; 3 .他就要接管曾由“飞人”乔丹一统的天下了。

       “小孩”:科比从高中直接进入NBA ,当时好多人批评他的这一举动。尽管事实证明他的决定是对的。人们都认为科比不过是个 “小孩”,的确很年轻今年才23岁,但是在过去的几个赛季中他证明了从高中来的“小孩”也能成为巨星。







       “天行者”:就像《星球大战》中的“天行者”卢克一样, “力量与他同在”。






       科比:小飞侠、黑曼巴 拜纳姆:小鲨鱼 阿泰斯特:野兽 费舍尔:老(小)鱼 贾巴尔:天钩 约翰逊:魔术师 佩顿:手套 奥尼尔:鲨鱼 艾弗森:答案、巴巴查克 欧文:J博士 詹姆斯:小皇帝 麦迪:大睡魔 卡特:半人半神 马布里:独狼 加内特:狼王 皮尔斯:真理 阿里纳斯:零号特工 乔丹:飞人 安德森:鸟人 安东尼:小甜瓜 道金斯:巧克力闪电 马拉维奇:手枪 门罗:珍珠、黑色的耶稣 奥拉朱旺:大梦 埃利:超级马里奥 坎普:雨人 韦伯:土豆人 威尔金斯:人类**精华 格文:冰人 张伯伦:大北斗星 巴克利:篮板球容器 穆林:上帝左手 米利西奇:胜利雪茄 伯德:大鸟 罗德曼:大虫 沃西:眼镜蛇 道金斯:黑色闪电

       我来补充:答案艾弗森 黑曼巴 可比 ,黄曼巴 罗伊,小黑豆 布鲁克斯,雨人坎普,冰人 格文,小土豆罗宾逊,真理皮尔斯,狼王 加内特,独狼 马布里,“大鲨鱼”奥尼尔
























       “小巨人”姚明 (注:此为CBA外号)
































































       “T-MAC”麦克格雷迪 (注:T-MAC是一款苹果机)




























       “山羊”厄尔-麦尼斯考特 (注:此人是篮球历史最强人,但没打过nba,身高1.85,可以一球双扣,摸到篮板上沿。)









       “skip to my lou”阿尔斯通












       “MSN组合”马里昂 ,斯塔德迈尔 ,纳什






       “双塔”邓肯, 大卫-罗宾逊

       “OK组合”科比 ,奥尼尔

       “TMC组合”帝姆-哈达威 ,克里斯-穆林, 里克-李奇蒙德

       “三个火枪手”格伦.罗宾逊 ,卡塞尔 ,雷阿伦











       “关键先生”杰里-韦斯特 霍利;



       “得分机器” 里克-巴里
