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zmhk 2024-05-20
nba季后赛宣传片_nba季后赛宣传片2024       大家好,今天我想和大家讲解一下“nba季后赛宣传片”的工作原理。为了让大家更好地理解这个问题,我将相关资料进行了分类,现在就让我们一起来学习


1.高分求nba 季后赛宣传广告的地址






高分求nba 季后赛宣传广告的地址



       季后赛宣传片 只能有一个赢家

       霍华德和保罗 相信











       视频 /v_show/id_ce00XMjM5MDc1Mjg=.html

       詹姆斯和加内特 梦想









       视频 /v_show/id_ce00XMjM2NDM5MTI=.html

       科比和奥尼尔 害怕











       视频 /v_show/id_ce00XMjMxODg0NTI=.html

       纳什和基德 工作









       视频 /v_show/id_cl00XMjQyNTg3MDA=.html









       There are so many emotions at the end of this season.

       Nobody likes to talk about it.

       But one of them is fear——

       fear that you come this far and it can all end.

       The dream could die

       But me?

       I like the fear

       It means I'm close.

       It means I'm ready.









       After 82 games

       There are part of you to wonder-

       if you have anything left,

       if you have anything more to give.

       But somehow from somewhere you find it.

       You dig deeper. You have to.

       Because if you don't-

       you go home.








       We gonna win, yeah.

       That's not me brag, that's me believing.

       I believe in myself and my teammates.

       And trust me-

       if you ask anyone who has ever won a ring,

       anyone who has ever been a champion-

       they belive it too.

       We are not here to lose.











       I dream about winning it all.

       Since i was probably 9 years old,

       I remember seeing jordan/bird winning it all.

       I made up my mind right then, that was gonna be me.

       that I was gonna be part of that.

       Some dreams fade over time,

       but not this one.








       其实还有加内特&比卢普斯《尊重》 科比&布泽尔《铭记》




       歌名:rocket man火箭人

       歌手:elton john艾尔敦约翰


       She packed my bags last night pre-flight她昨晚在包装袋我飞行前

       Zero hour nine a.m.零时九分

       And i'm gonna be high as a kite by then第二天,我那时是高一风筝

       I miss the earth so much i miss my wife我错过了我这么多地球**太太

       It's lonely out in space它在太空寂寞

       On such a timeless flight这种永恒飞行

       And i think it's gonna be a long long time而我认为这是一个漫长的时间相聚

       Till touch down brings me round again to find直到落地使我再次找到回合

       I'm not the man they think i am at home我不认为我是男子在家

       Oh no no no i'm a rocket man哦,我这个无无无男子火箭

       Rocket man burning out his fuse up here alone男子火箭燃烧了他这里就有了导火索

       Mars ain't the kind of place to raise your kids火星上不会有这样的地方,你把孩子

       In fact it's cold as hell其实它冷如地狱

       And there's no one there to raise them if you did里面的人没有一个人提出,如果你没有

       And all this science i don't understand而所有这一切,我不明白科学

       It's just my job five days a week这只是我的工作,每周五天

       A rocket man, a rocket man火箭人,火箭人




       Come Los Angles Lakers have captured their second (straight) world championship.


       Which team is truly the greatest? For 82 games and individual (class) hands into (lucky or locked) fits into on another. They attempt to touch glory by convincing themselves it’s just (arm lend) the way. Upon discovery the (new) and possibility perfection the stopper men double their efforts. Every loose ball, each hopelessly distant shot, slightest cracking defense. All chances to get one inch closer to the idea known by all, get realized by few. To the long way every conceivable strategy will be applied. Matching nation versus acquisition versus evolution.

       哪一个队才是真正的赢家(伟大)? 在82个比赛中,手握着手,紧紧握住彼此的拳头(好像不通)。他们试图靠近荣誉告诉自己。。。。在发现新的可能的完美的基础上,这些固执的人们加倍努力。每一个落空的球,每一个绝望的远射,不够快的防守。抓住每一个机会只为一英寸的靠近,这个道理所有人都懂,但是真正理解的只有很少。尽管绕远路,每一个可能成功的战略都可以应用。竞争的国度VS获得VS进步。

       Accountable statistics, figure, the records and the honors then consider the standings had accounted the straights. The number will few discussion and simple discussion spark firing debate but words and wishes did not reflect the (summer? Some) of the season.


       16 teams will take their complete experiences, the shorten memories, the long ambitions to places just like this. They’re solely for the amplification of (Atlantic) achievements. (every sea? or see) will be (filed or felt?) every move will be watched. And the final shot is taken and the game ends. We’ll have our answer.


       We will see 90 teams falling hear victor’s grace. But we will learn the meaningfully (means goes activates) precisely matches their exclusivity. And as such only one word matters only ones will be believed in only one truly defines greatness---Champion.






       After 82 games, there's a part of you that wonder if you have anything left,

       if you have anyhting more to give. But somehow from somewhere, you find it.

       You dig deeper. You have to, because if you don't, you go home.
