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zmhk 2024-06-24
体育馆英语gym大写还是小写_体育馆英语是大写还是小写       在当今这个日新月异的时代,体育馆英语gym大写还是小写也在不断发展变化。今天,我将和大家探讨关于体育馆英语gym大写还是














       需要大写。ootd是Outfit of the Day的缩写。缩写形式是需要大写的。








       gym outfit运动套装;运动衫裤;体操服。



       She was prancing along in her new outfit.


       Such an outfit would be a useful addition to my wardrobe.







        Beautiful Smile and Love美丽的微笑与爱心

        The poor are very wonderful people.One evening we went out and we picked up four people from the street. And one of them was in a most terrible condition-and I told the Sisters: You take care of the other three. I take care of this one who looked worse. So I did for her all that my love can do. I put her in bed, and there was such a beautiful smile on her face. She took hold of my hand as she said just the words "Thank you." and she died.

        I could not help but examine my conscience before her and I asked what would I say if I was in her place. And my answer was very simple. I would have tried to draw a little attention to myself. I would have said I am hungry, that I am dying, I am cold, I am in pain, or something, but she gave me much more--she gave me her grateful love. And she died with a smile on her face. So did that man whom we picked up from the drain, half eaten with worms, and we brought him to the home. "I have lived like an animal in the street, but I am going to die like an angel, loved and cared for." And it was so wonderful to see the greatness of that man who could speak like that, who could die like that without blaming anybody, without cursing anybody, without comparing anything. Like an angel-this is the greatness of our people. And that is why we believe what Jesus had said: I was hungry-I was naked-I was homeless-I was unwanted, unloved, uncared for-and you did it to me.

        I believe that we are not real social workers. We may be doing social work in the eyes of the people, but we are really contemplatives, in the heart of the world. For we are touching the body of Christ twenty-four hours.And I think that in our family we don't need bombs and guns. to destroy, to bring peace-just get together, love one another, bring that peace, that joy, that strength of presence of each other in the home. And we will be able to overcome all the evil that is in the world.

        And with this prize that I received as a Prize of Peace, I am going to try to make the home for many people who have no home. Because I believe that love begins at home, and if we can create a home for the poor. 1 think that more and more love will spread. And we will be able through this understanding love to bring peace, be the good new to the poor.The poor in our own family first, in our country and in the world. To be able to do this,our Sisters, our lives have to be woven with prayer."They have to he woven with Christ to be able to understand, to be able to share. Because to be woven with Christ is to be able to understand, to be able to share. Because today there is so much suffering…When I pick up a person from the street, hungry, I give him a plate of rice, a piece of bread, I have satisfied. I have removed that hungry. But a person who is shut out, who feels unwanted,unloved, terrified, the person who has been thrown out from society-that poverty is so full of hurt and so unbearable...And so let us always meet each other with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of love, and once we begin to love each other naturally we want to do something.





        我准备以我所获得的诺贝尔和平奖奖金为那些无家可归的人们建立自己的家园。因为我相信,爱源自家庭,如果我们能为穷人建立家园,我相信爱便会传播得更广。而且,我们将通过这种宽容博大的爱而带来和平,成为穷人的福音。首先为我们自己家里的穷人,其次为我们国家,为全世界的穷人。为了做到这一点,姐妹们,我们的生活就必须与祷告紧紧相连,必须同基督结为一体才能互相体谅,共同分享,因为同基督结为一体就意味着互相体谅,共同分享。因为,今天世界上仍有如此多的苦难存在……当我从街上带回一个饥肠辘辘的人时 ,给他一盘饭,一片面包,我就能使他心满意足了,我就能驱除他的饥饿。但是,如果一个人露宿街头,感到不为人所要,不为人所爱,惶恐不安,被社会抛弃—这样的贫困让人心痛,如此令人无法忍受。因此,让我们总是微笑相见,因为微笑就是爱的开端,一旦我们开始彼此自然地相爱,我们就会想着为对方做点什么了。


        1.特蕾莎修女没有引用演讲的常规模式,如“Ladies and gentlemen",而是平和地用“穷人是非常了不起的人”做开场白。一方面展示了她对这个奖项的淡定;另一方面是向在场的观众表明她及她的团体所施爱的对象群体,恰恰是常人所瞧不起甚至藐视的人群。


        3.英语中表示“禁不住做某事”的常用结构为“cannot help doing sth.; cannot help but do sth."。

        4. "a Prize of Peace”指诺贝尔和平奖.诺贝尔奖是以瑞典著名化学家、峭化甘油炸药发明人阿尔弗雷德·贝恩哈德·诺贝尔的部分遗产作为基金创立的。诺贝尔奖包括金质奖章、证书和奖金支票。在遗嘱中他提出,将部分遗产(920万美元)作为基金,以其利息分设物理、化学、生理或医学、文学及和平(后添加了经济奖)5个奖项,授予世界各国在这些领域对人类作出重大贡献的学者。

        5.此处的“understanding”不应简单地理解为“有理解力的,有洞察力的”。而是“富有同情心的”。这是特蕾莎修女的演讲,理解时要与她的身份吻。因此,原文中 understanding love可理解为“博爱”。


        Companionship of Books以书为伴

        A man may usually be known by the books he reads as well as by the company he keeps; for there is a companionship of books as well as of men; and one should always live in the best company, whether it be of books or of men.

        A good book may be among the best of friends. It is the same today that it always was, and it will never chance. It is the most patient and cheerful of companions. It does not turn its back upon us in times of adversity or distress. It always receives us with the same kindness, amusing and instructing us in youth, and comforting and consoling us in age.

        Men often discover their affinity to each other by the mutual love they have for a book just as two persons sometimes discover a friend by the admiration which both entertain for a third.There is an old proverb, "Love me, love my dog." But there is more wisdom in this: "Love me, love my book." The book is a truer and higher bond of union. Men can think, feel, and sympathize with each other through their favorite author. They live in him together, and he in them.

        "Books," said Hazlitt, "wind into the heart; the poet's verse slides in the current of our blood. We read them when young, we remember them when old. We feel that it has happened to ourselves. They are to be very cheap and good. We breathe but the air of books."

        A good book is often the best urn of a life enshrining the best that life could think out; for the world of a man's life is, for the most part, but the world of his thoughts. Thus the best books are treasuries of good words, the golden thoughts, which, remembered and cherished, become our constant companions and comforters. "They are never alone," said Sir Philip Sidney, "that are accompanied by noble thoughts." The good and true thought may in times of temptation be as an angel of mercy purifying and guarding the soul. It also enshrines the germs of action, for good words almost always inspire to good works.

        Books possess an essence of immortality. They are by far the most lasting products of human effort. Temples and statues decay, but books survive. Time is of no account with great thoughts, which are as fresh today as when they first passed through their author's minds, ages ago. What was then said and thought still speaks to us as vividly as ever from the printed page. The only effect of time has been to sift out the bad products; for nothing in literature can long survive but what is really good.

        Books introduce us into the best society; they bring us into the presence of the greatest minds that have ever lived. We hear what they said and did; we see them as if they were really alive; we sympathize with them, enjoy with them, grieve with them; their experience becomes ours, and we feel as if we were in a measure actors with them in the scenes which they describe.

        The great and good do not die, even in this world. Embalmed in books, their spirits walk abroad. The book is a living voice. It is an intellect to which one still listens. Hence we ever remain under the influence of the great men of old. The imperial intellects of the world are as much alive now as they were ages ago.










        1.此处的“as well as”相当于连词"and"、连接两个介词短语。

        2.虚拟语气在由“whether”引导的让步状语从句中,从句谓语用动词原形,表示“不论是……还是……”同时,"whether"一词可以省去,而将“be”动词放在主语前.此从句可以变为“be it of books or of men”.

        3."the same as"和"the same that"都指“和…相同”的含义,但前者强调的是类型的相同,而后者强调的是事物本身的相同。此处指的是好书本身,故而用的是"the same that".

        4.句中的两个介词“by"均表示方式,表“通过”之意。省略"that”的定语从句从句"they have for a book”用于修饰“love"。连词“as”表示“正如……一样”,后接从句,用于比较。关系代词“which”引导的定语从句“which both entertain for a third”用于修饰“admiration"。

        5."Love me, love my dog.”常被译为“爱屋及乌”英语中有关“dog”的谚语很多,比如:a lucky dog(幸运儿);Every dog has his day.(人人皆有得意日。);It rains cats and dogs.(下倾盆大雨。);a cat-and-dog life(争争吵吵的日子)等等。

        6.威廉·哈兹利特(William Hazlitt,1778-1830),英国散文家、评论家、画家.

        7.这是由关系代词which引导的非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词treasuries,从句中的过去分词结构“remembered and cherished(铭记于心并多加珍视)”用作状语,表示条件.

        8.菲利普·锡德尼爵士(Sir Philip Sidney, 1554- 1586 ),英国文艺复兴时期的'著名的散文家、政治家,有很高的艺术修养.科学知识丰富.



        The expensive shops in a famous arcade near Piccadilly were just opening. At this time of the morning, the arcade was almost empty. Mr Taylor, the owner of a jewellery shop was admiring a new window display. Two of his assistants had been working busily since 8 o'clock and had only just finished. Diamond necklaces and rings had been beautifully arranged on a background of black velvet. After gazing at the display for several minutes, Mr Taylor went back into his shop.

        The silence was suddenly broken when a large car, with its headlights on and its horn blaring, roared down the arcade. It came to a stop outside the jeweler's. One man stayed at the wheel while two others with black stockings over their faces jumped out and smashed the window of the shop with iron bars. While this was going on, Mr Taylor was upstairs. He and his staff began throwing furniture out of the window. Chairs and tables went flying into the arcade. One of the thieves was struck by a heavy statue, but he was too busy helping himself to diamonds to notice any pain. The raid was all over in three minutes, for the men scrambled back into the car and it moved off at a fantastic speed. Just as it was leaving, Mr Taylor rushed out and ran after it throwing ashtrays and vases, but it was impossible to stop the thieves. They had got away with thousands of pounds worth of diamonds.




        美丽人生 Beautiful Life

        Marisa who is a beautiful girl from England, she works as a fitness instructor. She is also a fashionable icon. Having so many identities makes her life wonderful. But before Marisa was 20, who can imagine that she is a very fat girl. When Marisa was a small girl, she liked to eat all kinds of food, which made her a big fat girl. As she grew up, she noticed her difference and the boy she liked fell in love with her best friend. Marisa realized that she needed to lose weight, she refused to the junk food and ate the organic food. She kept practise every day. Finally, a year passed and she lose more than 80 pounds. She began her beautiful life.

        玛丽莎来自英格兰,是一个美丽的女孩,她是一名健身教练。她也是一个时尚偶像。多重身份使得她的生活精彩。但在玛丽莎20岁之前, 谁能想象到她是一个非常胖的女孩。当玛丽莎还是一个小女孩的时候,她喜欢吃各种各样的食物,这使她成为一个大胖女孩。当她长大了,她注意到自己与众不同,她喜欢的男孩爱上了她最好的朋友。玛丽莎意识到她需要减肥,她拒绝垃圾食品,吃有机食品。她每天都锻炼。最后,一年过去了,她减掉了80多磅。她开始她的美丽生活。

        学习汉语热 The Heat of Learning Chinese

        In China, English is the indispensable suject for students to learn. Some students complain that there is no need to learn English because we live in China, while when we look around the world, we can find that there are more and more foreigners learn Chinese. As the world gets globalized, the world is watching us and foreigners are very interested in our culture. some of them learn Chinese for they sense the great commercial potential and want to do business with us. There is even a competition for foreigners to show their level of Chinese. I am so surprised by their insistance. The foreigners can learn Chinese so well, so there no reason for us to give up English.


        学校的体育馆 The Gym In My School

        Recently, it has been said that the new building in my school will be finished soon and all the students can use it. It is such exciting news, because we have been looking forward to taking exercise in the gym for such a long time. The new building is used as the gym and there are all kinds of equipments in it. There are badminton court, ping-pong court and basketball court. I love the gym so much. I have always dream to take exercise in such a good gym. Playing sports indoor makes me feel not bad hot and as a girl, I don’t have to turn black. From now on, I will keep taking exercise everyday.






       order 点菜 serve 上菜 change 零钱 Keep the change! 不用找零钱了! tip 小费 treat 请客 (This is my treat! 我请客!)go Dutch AA制 (Let’s go fifty fifty. ) steak 牛排 cheese奶酪 sandwich 三明治 bacon 腌肉 soup 汤 plain water 自来水(西餐中洗手用的)doughnut 多纳圈 appetizer 开胃物 dessert甜品,水果(作为正餐的最后一道) go out for dinner / dinner out 出去吃饭 snack bar 小吃街;大排挡 hamburger 汉堡包 coke 可口可乐 French fries 炸薯条 dining hall ;coffee shop ;restaurant ;cafeteria ;canteen; buffet 自助餐


       stamp envelope package / parcel 包裹 overweight 超重 extra postage 额外邮资 send / post / deliver a letter / mail 寄 /发信 express mail 快件 airmail 航空信件 surface mail 陆地邮寄open an account 开一个帐户


       library card; borrow; lend; keep; renew; bookshelf; novel; science fiction科幻小说;magazine; periodical期刊; reference book; librarian 图书管理员 pay a fine 交罚款 Can I help you? / What can I do for you?


       aspirin 阿司匹林 regular doctor 私人医生 emergence department 急诊室 ICU (= intensive care unit)特护病房 treatment 治疗手段 take one’s temperature / blood pressure 测量体温/血压 medicine: pills / tablets药丸/药片 heart attack 心脏病 cold / flu 流感:have/catch a cold; pain; headache; stomach-ache; backache; sore-throat喉咙痛 cough; fever。What’s up? (多用于男生之间)How is it going? How are you? 回答:I’m fine. / I feel good/terrific. / I couldn’t be better. / Nothing is very wrong with me. 好。 I am not feeling good. / I feel terrible/horrible/awful. / I am not myself these days. 不好。 (注意听语气:身体好的时候,语调上扬,语气非常欢快; 身体不好的时候,降调,语气非常郁闷。)


       operator 接线员 Extension six two two six, please. 请转6226。 The line is bad/ busy / engaged. It kept a busy line. 电话占线。long distance call 长途电话 collect call 对方付费的电话 put through 接通电话 hold on / up Hold the line, please. Hello! This is …speaking. Who’s speaking? / who is this? call/ telephone/ ring/ phone sb. ;give sb. a call/ ring I’ll call back later / again. I’ll ring him / her up again. I couldn’t get through. Sorry, I’m afraid you have the wrong number.


       make a reservation 预定房间 reception desk 接待处 check in 入住 check out 结帐 single room 单间 suite套间 Do you have a reservation Sir? Have you got any vacant room? (= Is there any room available here?)有空房间吗?All the room are occupied. 房间已满。Can I have a suite please? How much do you charge for that? Smoking or no smoking? Meals included. 包括饮食。Can I show you your room? / Can I carry your luggage?


       speeding May I see your license, please? You will be fined by $20.


       store 杂货店 department store 百货商场 shopping center 购物中心 商品信息:size; color; style; price What color/size/kind do you want? 商品论贵贱expensive, cheap 价格论高低high, low bargain便宜货 popular / fashionable 流行的 in fashion 流行,时尚 out of fashion 过时的 brand 品牌 counter 柜台 pay in cash 用现金支付 pay in check 用支票支付 credit card 信用卡 shop assistant 商店营业员 out of stock 脱销/缺货 in stock 有货


       cloudy 阴天 overcast 多云 thunder 打雷 strong/ high wind 大风 tornado 龙卷风 typhoon 台风 storm 风暴 blizzard暴风雨 It rains cats and dogs.(=The rain is pouring.)下着倾盆大雨。downpour倾盆大雨 shower 阵雨 clear up 天空放晴 put away clothes 下雨收衣服 weather in London / Seattle 意指不好的天气 weather in California 意指好天气 经常和天气相联系的情况:vacation 和 flight(航班) (be delayed/cancelled by the bad weather)


       flight 航班 Welcome on board 欢迎登机 bound for…飞往……方向去的 check in 办理登机手续 behind schedule 晚点 take off 起飞land降落


       2011年高考英语听力必记词汇:月份、星期、交通、、货币(钱)、地点(情景用语)等词汇。  1、月份

       12 months: Abb.

       January Jan. February Feb.

       March Mar. April Apr.

       May May. June Jun.

       July Jul. August Aug.

       September Sep(t). October Oct.

       November Nov. December Dec.


       Seven days: Abb.

       Sunday Sun. Monday Mon.

       Tuesday Tue. Wednesday Wed(s).

       Thursday Thu. Friday Fri.

       Saturday Sat.


       Traffic, plane, bus, car, train, subway(underground), boat, ship, taxi, transportation, timetable, journey, speed,


       U. S Dollar, Hong Kong Dollar (HK$), yuan, RMB¥ , pound (£), pocket change, coin, check, cash, credit card, bank,



       meal, menu, bill, order, tip, hamburger, sandwich, soup, dish, beer, soft drink, fully booked,等;


       take medicine, temperature, pill, headache, fever, blood pressure, waiting room, 等;


       single room, double room, room number, room service, check in, check out, lift / elevator等;

       邮局(post office)用语:

       mail, deliver, stamp, envelope, telegram, postage等;


       flight, take off, land, luggage, China Airline, information desk, boarding, customs, departure time, arrival,等;


       round trip, single trip, sleeping car, ticket, fair, conductor, 等;


       on sale, size, color, price, change, customer, expensive, cheap, discount, 等;


       exam, course, dining hall, playground, library, lab, degree, foreign language, 等。


       relatives, relationship, reunion, uncle, parents, aunt, family-get-together, generation,


       holiday, festival, Mid-autumn Day, May Day, National Day, Teachers’ Day, Children’s Day, Mother(Father)’s Day, New Year, Christmas Day, Thanksgiving Day, Easter ,Halloween, Valentine’s Day,


       Basketball, football ,volleyball, baseball, tennis, table-tennis, badminton running , swimming, shooting, fishing, surfing ,skating ,rock climbing, jumping, gym, stadium,


       concert, show, exhibition, film, movie, play, theatre, museum, music, entertainment, band, chess, amusement park, nightclub, picnic, bowling,


       clerk , secretary, manager , boss, professor, lawyer, businessman, driver, doctor nurse, headmaster, headmistress, librarian, engineer, technician, farmer, policeman policewoman, coach,


       health, gain weight, lost weight, keep fit, balanced diet, smoking, Aids, Sars,


       Century, year, month, week, day, hour, minute, second, yesterday, today, tomorrow, weekend,

       At noon, morning, afternoon, evening, night,


       Chinese Mathematics English

       Physics Chemistry Biology

       Politics History Geography

       Arts Music Physical Education (P E)


       Chinese, Japanese, German, French, American, Australian, Englishman, Russian, New-Zealander,

       Canadian, Italian, Spanish,


       The People’s Republic of China,Beijing ,The United States of America,USA ,New York,Chicago ,The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ,U.K,London ,France,Paris, Germany, Berlin, Australia, Canberra / Sydney, Japan, Tokyo, Canada ,Toronto/ Ottawa, Italy , Rome, Spain , Madrid , Russia , Moscow, Europe,


       Million, thousand, hundred, dozen, score, decade, first, second, third, forth, fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth, twentieth,


       computer, surf the Internet, technology, science, information, e-mail, download, on line, off line, clone, robot, cell phone/ mobile phone, satellite, spaceship, fax,


       clothing , dress, suit, evening dress, jacket, shirt ,skirt, T-shirt, trousers pants, shorts, blouse, sweater, coat, overcoat, tie, socks, stockings, shoes, boots hat , cap ,uniform

       18、Food and drinks(食物与饮料)

       hamburger, sandwich(es), bread, flour, milk, pork, beef, lamb, chicken , fish, rice, vegetable, black-tea, green-tea , coffee, black coffee, wine, alcohol, soft drinks








       二、地点。地点型试题主要考查地点,该项内容的考查多为以where开头的特殊疑问句,如:Where does the conversation most probably take place?(这段对话最可能发生在什么场合?)解这类试题时,我们需要有一些积累和推断。











       一级重要词汇: reserve/reservation, reception/receptionist/reception ,desk,register/registration/book

       名词:rent, style, reservation, conference, grades, return flights, accommodation, details, destination, flat/apartment, section, a king’s room, shower, deadline,

       动词:reserve, spare, register, sign, appreciate,

       形容词:available, amazing, scaring, boring, incredible, grand, extra, awful, digital, punctual,

       副词:definitely, down, though, slightly,

       词组:check out, start off, look into, now that, in a long run, on behalf of, bound for, apart from, tour/scenic spots, take/leave a message, drop in on/at, put sb. at ease, drop sb. off, in stock,

       句型:1.Then all set 2.Take your time. 3.Anything but cheap. 4.No wonder…

       5.It’s a deal. 6.You’re kidding. 7.Can we make it…? 8.That’s the way it is. 9.It depends. 10.It’s not intended for scientists, either.
